One of the traditional ways in marketing internet business is article marketing. In this blog post am going to give an insight how article marketing can help you in marketing internet business.
- Firstly keyword research should be done in order to properly label or tag your article. Go to Google Adwords and do the research. It is the greatest free tool and nobody can get closer to Google Adwords.
- Publish your articles about your product in article directories, blogs or forums
- Brain struck for ideas? Dig deeper on your product features and create pillar articles that will help solve the problem of the consumer
- Interlink your articles written in the past and engage the consumer to read more posts.
- The article should be informative and make the important points or texts in bold or italics.
- Don’t put all eggs in one basket. Try to write one feature more elaborately instead of writing all the features in a single article. For marketing internet business, do write as many articles about the product and submit to as many different article directories.
- Spelling, grammatical, syntax errors should be checked before you hit the submit button.
- All the information in your articles should be up to date and fresh so that the consumers will be more interested and will focus on you and this will lead to conversion. All search engines love fresh contents for the products promoted.
- Network with participants in related seminars of your niche and brainstorm for fresh ideas.
- Patience is the virtue for success. Don’t expect given a single day your article will be indexed in the first page of Google! It takes weeks or even months for your article to appear in the search engines.
Hope these tips would be a brainer for article marketing and no doubt you will get more traffic and conversion rates in marketing internet business as you apply these techniques. If you have more tips please write in the comment box.
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