Milliondollarwiki is equally a similar site like wikipedia. You can own a page and control the stuff in your wiki page with media marketing tools. On the whole it is a pay per page wiki site wherein milliondollarwiki claims to drive traffic, provide outstanding service and value to wiki page owners. With a user friendly platform, literally anybody can setup a page and control the contents in this site with media marketing tools. The central theme is you can acquire 'trademarked terms' and your page would look like milliondollarwiki/yourpage. In your page, text, images, links, blog feeds, music, videos, games, flash, google adsense, relevant ads are permissible. But irrelevant content, pornographic or offensive content, popup or automatic redirects to external websites and gibberish keywords are restricted. With a page in Milliondollarwiki you can:
Acquire an elite niche in the budding micro economy
Foster a keen web presence with media marketing tools
Own a keyword or phrase that impeccably speak for your brand
For better seo associate worthy content to your relevant website
With media marketing tools you can elevate the knowledge of your website
Share traffic produced by the whole community
With milliondollarwiki you can sell any product or service and incorporate adsense code using media marketing tools. Similar to site flipping you can resell your wiki page whether developed or not at any time after you sign up. May be it would take years to compete with the original Wiki and as we have to wait and see the sustainability of the site in the future.
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